Based on the development of modern agriculture

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Based on the development of modern agriculture

The "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" adopted by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee clearly requires that the simultaneous promotion of agricultural modernization in the in-depth development of industrialization and urbanization is a major task during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. The basic way to develop modern agriculture and realize the coordinated development of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization is also an important measure to strengthen the industrial support of agricultural modernization.
1、 Key areas for accelerating agricultural scientific and technological innovation
1. Super high yield and high quality breeding of grain crops. International food prices have undergone serious changes, and the supply and demand of food have undergone major changes. Under the situation that China's arable land cannot be increased and reduced year by year, the only way to ensure food security is to increase the yield per unit area. Therefore, food crop breeding has a long way to go, and we must make great efforts to do a good job of super-high yield and high-quality food crop breeding.
2. High quality, efficient and safe production technology of agricultural products. At present, food safety has become the most concerned issue.
3. Facility agricultural engineering technology. Scientific and technological innovation can further save costs, reduce labor intensity, improve the utilization rate of light and heat energy, improve the quality of agricultural products, and increase production efficiency. 4. Intensive processing technology of agricultural products. Intensive processing of agricultural products is the key to the differentiation and evolution of traditional agriculture.
5. Agricultural ecological environment protection and resources comprehensive utilization technology. Building a conservation-oriented society requires more and more comprehensive utilization of agricultural resources.
6. Agricultural high-tech and basic research. The strategic high-tech led by biotechnology and information technology has comprehensively led the development of modern agriculture and become the most competitive new industrial field. Biotechnology continues to surpass the inherent production potential of biology, and information technology makes agricultural production intelligent and accurate. Through several years of exploration, China's modern agriculture has achieved remarkable results. Although China is a developing country and is relatively short of funds, talents and technical resources compared with developed countries, many of China's practices in promoting modern agriculture have certain reference and inspiration for developing countries in the world.
(1) We should adhere to the strategy of balancing urban and rural areas and promoting rural industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization simultaneously. Agriculture is the basic system of the whole social and economic system. We must integrate the agricultural modernization strategy into the whole social and economic modernization strategy and the agricultural modernization into the rural modernization strategy. From the perspective of China's national conditions, only by promoting agricultural modernization with rural industrialization and urbanization can we effectively improve the external environmental conditions of modern agricultural construction and accelerate the process of transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Rural industrialization must be carried out in combination with urbanization, remove barriers between urban and rural areas, adjust the structure of national income distribution, form a new pattern of integration of urban and rural development, industrial layout, infrastructure, public services, labor employment and social management, and realize the benign interaction between urban and rural economy and society. We should allow township enterprises to gradually concentrate on industrial parks, let the agricultural population who are away from agriculture and work in business leave both the land and the countryside, guide the rational circulation of land to be relatively concentrated, implement appropriate scale operation, promote the industrialization, specialization and socialization of agriculture, make agricultural modernization keep up with the pace of industrialization and urbanization, and finally form a new pattern of urban-rural economic and social development integration.
(2) We will improve the interest compensation mechanism to ensure national food security. Food security is the basis and guarantee of economic and social development, and the main grain-producing areas are the key to ensuring food security. The Central Committee of the Party and the State Council attach great importance to the issue of compensation for the interests of the main grain-producing areas, further improve the compensation mechanism for the interests of the main grain-producing areas, establish a stable growth mechanism for transfer payments to the governments of the main grain-producing areas, and strengthen and implement the responsibility system for food security of the governments of the selling areas, starting from the following three aspects. First, adjust the proportion of grain risk fund to meet the need of grain circulation system reform. The second is to establish a compensation fund for grain production in the main grain production areas, introduce relevant freight subsidies and other policies to help the main grain production areas solve the problem of commodity grain export and transportation, relieve the pressure of local governments, and fully reflect the policy of favoring the main grain production areas. The third is to build a grain production base in the main grain-producing areas and the main grain-selling areas, increase investment in the main grain-producing areas through existing policies and channels, extract part of the land transfer fees from the main grain-selling areas and pay them to the main grain-producing areas through financial transfer to build a grain production base, and increase the effect of reflecting the benefits compensation and transfer payment for the main grain-producing areas.
(3) Accelerate agricultural scientific and technological progress and independent innovation. The fundamental way out for China's agriculture is to accelerate agricultural scientific and technological progress and independent innovation. In order to achieve sustainable and stable growth of agriculture under increasingly severe resource constraints, the key lies in accelerating agricultural scientific and technological progress and independent innovation, and increasing the transformation and promotion of scientific and technological achievements. On the basis of strengthening the protection of resources and environment, we should take the modern agricultural road of sustainable development relying on the progress of agricultural science and technology, and constantly improving the yield of cultivated land, resource utilization rate and labor productivity. We should establish an agricultural science and technology innovation system with the state as the main body, with the participation of enterprises, farmers and society, to ensure the funding investment in agricultural scientific research and promotion and the timely promotion and application of scientific and technological achievements. The State should take strong policies and measures to train scientific and technological talents for rural areas free of charge, improve the treatment of existing personnel and mobilize their enthusiasm.
(4) Stabilize small farmers and develop large farmers simultaneously. Among the developed countries that have achieved modern agriculture, there are mainly two types of agricultural management systems: one is the commercialized and large-scale large-scale agricultural economy represented by the United States, and the other is the subsidized small-scale agricultural economy represented by many European countries and Japan. To build China's modern agriculture, it is appropriate to take a new path of developing both agricultural management modes. On the premise of adhering to the household contract of joint production, we should steadily develop the intensive management of small-scale farmers based on the household management of small-scale farmers. With the support and protection of the government, we should guide small farmers to establish professional farmers' cooperatives and improve their organizational capacity. Targeted promotion of business projects with applicable technology, less capital investment, obvious economic benefits but more labor hours, production of some high-value-added agricultural products, resulting in a large increase in output, in order to maximize the internal labor absorption rate of the agricultural industry and improve farmers' income. Select state-owned collective farms, leading enterprises, and large farmers specializing in breeding and breeding, develop market-oriented large-scale agricultural economy, implement paid land transfer, and take the connotation of large-scale agricultural management. Develop industrialization and large-scale operation in the fields of efficient planting and breeding industry, large commodity grain production base, foreign exchange earning agriculture, intensive processing and sales of agricultural products, establish production procedures of planting and breeding industry, standardized processes of agricultural products processing, and quality inspection and testing procedures that are in line with the international market, and consciously adopt business projects with high technical content, moderate capital investment, high added value of products, and significant economic benefits, It will gradually transform agriculture from labor-intensive to a competitive industry that combines capital-intensive, technology-intensive and labor-intensive.
(5) Increase government support and protection for agriculture. The support and protection of the government is an indispensable factor in the development of modern agriculture in China. We should effectively adjust the distribution pattern of national income and the structure of fiscal expenditure, and substantially increase the proportion of capital investment that is conducive to enhancing the sustainability of agricultural development and can directly benefit farmers.
(6) Establish a modern agricultural industrialization management system leading the development of modern agriculture. Agricultural industrialization management is conducive to promoting the continuous extension of agricultural industrial chain, which is constantly developing and improving in practice. To promote agricultural industrialization, first of all, we should make some farmers become professional producers and operators, and establish diversified industrial forms and multi-functional industrial systems; At the same time, we should vigorously develop agricultural professional cooperatives, give play to the role of farmers' cooperatives as a bridge, and gradually realize the socialization of services before, during and after production.