The epidemic has little impact on the wheat harvest. Large-scale trans-regional operations are promoted from south to north

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The epidemic has little impact on the wheat harvest. Large-scale trans-regional operations are promoted from south to north

After the wheat grain is full, the large-scale cross-regional machine harvest of wheat will start from the main production areas of the Yellow River, Huaihe River and the sea, and advance from the south to the north. Summer grain is the first season of grain harvest in the whole year. It is of great significance to ensure the supply, expectation and confidence by doing a good job in wheat harvest, strengthening the reduction of grain crop harvest, striving to capture a good harvest of summer grain, ensuring the completion of the goal of stabilizing grain production this year, and consolidating the basis of grain production throughout the year. At present, the epidemic situation is spreading in many places throughout the country. Can the summer harvest ensure that the particles are returned to the warehouse? Can the wheat harvester operate across regions smoothly? How to minimize summer harvest loss? The reporter conducted interviews on these hot topics.
The transfer of agricultural machinery is smooth
On May 20, Wu Changjin, the chairman of Changqian Cooperative in Yongqiao District, Suzhou, Anhui Province, led 36 agricultural machinists to drive 36 large wheat harvesters to Anyang, Henan Province. After two days of short adjustment, the wheat harvester was put into operation. They signed more than 20000 mu of wheat harvest orders with grain farmers in Anyang, which is expected to be harvested in about five days. Then they will return to Suzhou to harvest wheat, and then go north to Shandong and Hebei, spanning thousands of miles, taking nearly a month.
More than 97% of China's winter wheat is harvested by machine, and 30% needs to be harvested by machinery across regions. The current epidemic is severe and complex, which has a certain impact on agricultural machinery on the road and cross-regional operations. Some agricultural machinery operators are afraid that the outbreak will be isolated and controlled, and the trans-regional operation will be blocked in transit, and the agricultural machinery will not get off the field smoothly, so they are unwilling to go out for trans-regional operation.
In the case of frequent outbreaks, relevant departments have made clear the policy of ensuring summer harvest. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs said that all localities must break through the blocking points in a timely manner, coordinate the allocation of machines and tools, and implement the operation service organization and machine operators by farmers and plots, without gaps and dead ends. On the basis of implementing the epidemic prevention and control measures, we should organize the centralized handling of key material transport vehicle passes for agricultural machinery operators, promote the opening of green channels for agricultural machinery transfer at the entrance and exit of highways, give priority to the inspection and release of combine harvesters and their transport service vehicles, and provide "one-stop services" such as nucleic acid and antigen detection, territorial registration and filing for trans-regional operators to ensure the smooth transfer of agricultural machinery. All localities should open a hotline to announce the guarantee of wheat harvest and help solve difficult problems in a timely manner. The closed and controlled areas and control areas in the counties and cities where the epidemic has occurred should give full play to the role of the socialized service organization of agricultural machinery, quickly establish an emergency collection team, carry out services such as collection and planting on behalf of others, so as to collect all the receivables and never miss a piece of wheat field due to the epidemic.
Some people said that the number of motorway takers was significantly reduced this year, which is also a fact. In response, Liu Xian, president of the China Agricultural Mechanization Association, believed that wheat is the main grain ration crop in China, especially in the northern region, with a planting area of more than 300 million mu. In the past, China's agricultural mechanization level was low, the number of wheat combine harvesters was small, and the distribution was uneven, so it was necessary to achieve the balance of long-distance inter-regional machine harvesting. In recent years, driven by agricultural machinery purchase subsidies and other supporting policies, the number of rice and wheat combine harvesters nationwide has reached 1.57 million, and the number of combine harvesters put into the "three summer" wheat harvester has basically stabilized at more than 600000, with sufficient stock. The national agricultural machinery service organization basically covers all villages and towns, and the uneven distribution of agricultural machinery in various regions is gradually reduced, which can basically meet the needs of local machine-receiving operations.
Reduce the loss of machine harvesting
The machine harvest of wheat has the most serious loss in the whole production process. According to the survey of relevant departments, the average harvest loss rate of wheat in China in 2019 was 4.7%. The high loss of wheat harvest not only affects the farmers' grain income, but also affects the national food security. "Loss reduction is to increase income. Less loss of one kilogram of grain in the mechanical harvest process, more achievements of farmers' friends, and more guarantee of national food security," Liu Xian said.